It's a Stormlord! It's a Shadowsword! No, it's a ShadowGumbyHammer!
This is the Stormlord, fully assembled.
The Stormlord with stubber's removed.
Note the magnets where the stubbers are attached. I drilled shallow holes for the magnets and glued them in place, with the top of the magnet flush with the surface so that it will look right (ie invisible) when I paint it.
Crew section/ Weapon mount with gun removed, note magnet at the top of the housing. It's the only place to put the magnet that holds the Megabolter in. I recommend this even if you aren't planning for dual use of the chassis.
yo dog, what's up! Stormlord Megabolter in the face!
Note that you must use the front glacis plates with the cutouts or your Vulcan Megabolter won't sit right. Pay attention, there are two different sets of glacis plates on the sprues.
I Doomhammer! (below)
Stormsword! One of the more difficult items to get the brassrod to stick straight out from.
I had to cut the cube of plastic that holds the base of the cannon in. You can carefully put in and remove the cannon without too much trouble.
Banesword (Nearly an Ordinatus Artillery piece on this thing)
Shadowsword! (Destroyer rule... Bwhahahahaha)
just look at the troop capacity on this thing!
And yet it moves... (the gun carraige, in this case)
In order to allow the switching between the gun carriage forward and gun carraige back configurations, I had to put some extra superstructure inside the chassis. I used greenstuff to fix the fit once I had the finicky pain in the ass bits in place. I used sprue trimmed to be flat on the upper edge.
The added sprue bit must overhang or at least come to the edge of the deck plate, or the deck plate will flip up at the rear when you put the gun carriage on it.
This piece (only not used on the Stormlord) stays in place without any assistance from magnets. Just trim it carefully to make sure it lays flush, whether you're gluing it in place or not.
Using a pin vise and green stuff...
The piece end on to the camera in the photo above is the Banehammer's cannon, so that you can see the greenstuff I plugged the barrel with. I then drilled a hole in the center. You can see that the rest are the cannon bits with greenstuff holding lengths of brass rod in place.
You can also see the magnets and the bit of green stuff that holds the magnet on the bottom of each of the stubber's.
Below is a picture of one of my Baneblades with the sponsons magnetized, showing where the magnets go. Also the armor plates if you don't want the second sponson (it is a ton of points to add them). Included here because I will be doing the same exact thing to this Shadowgumby.
You have to place the magnets carefully or they interfere with the interlocking squares that otherwise partially secure the sponsons to the chassis.
Please comment and let me know what you think!
1 comment:
Dude, Sir, Doc,
Whatever you like to be addressed as... AWESOME WORK! I left Baghdad About a year ago (NG) and I run SM and TAU. That level of creativity and modeling skill is truly impressive. Carry on!
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